Area of Expertise and research in the Production Engineering Department.
SN | Faculty | Area of Expertise and research |
1 | Dr. P. R. Kubade | Polymer, Nano composites,Characterization of materials, Non-Coventional machining |
2 | Dr. L. N. Wankhade | Quality & Reliability, Production Management, System Dynamics |
3 | Mr. N. M. Khandre | Welding, Productivity improvement, Non-Conventional Manufacturing |
4 | Dr. P. W. Deshmukh | Heat Trasfer,CFD,Solar Energy |
5 | Dr. L. K. Toke | Advanced Manufacturing Processes,Productivity Improvement, Sustainable Manufacturing, Sustainable supply Chain Management |
6 | Dr. D. G. Wagre | Multiscale Modelling, Sheet Metal, AI in Manufacturing, Advance light weight materials, Composites |
7 | Mr. S. V. Deshmukh | Manufacturing , Industrial Management, Wind Energy |
8 | Mr. P. V. Puri | Polymer Research and Development, Plastic Material,Quality Control,Engineering Graphics and Design, Industry 4.0,Plastics and Composites |
9 | Ms. M. A. Talware | CAD/CAM. |
10 | Mr. N. S. Somvanshi | CAD & CAE, Material characterization and Automotive Engineering. |
11 | Ms. A. M. Jawale | PLM, Nanomaterials, Manufacturing Processes. |