AICTE Sponsored
QIP Short Term Interdisciplinary Course On
“Linux Automation with Python”
Feb 23- 27, 2019
Organized by
Office of Quality Improvement Programs
Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vishnupuri, Nanded-431606(M.S.)
Course Contents
Python is a powerful, flexible, open source language that is easy to learn, use, and has libraries for data automation and analysis. In programming universe, python is a stepping stone in Information Technology & Computer Science. FDP covers Introduction to Python on Linux and various OS. Basic interface design using Tkinter, Configuration, Database connection in Python, Basic Queries of python, Introduction to Django, understanding of admin roles, Linux automation. Containers, Docker, Python Container, flask container, web hosting containers, Python development in flask containers with dockers.
There is no registration fee for the course. All interested candidates are required to enclose a Demand Draft of Rs.1000/- in the name of “Director, SGGSIE&T, Vishnupuri, Nanded”. The above Demand Draft will be refunded to the not selected candidates and also to the selected participant if he or she attends the course. In case of selected participant does not attend the course, the above amount will be forfeited. Candidate should complete the enclosed registration form and send by speed post or courier to the coordinator along with the DD. Confirmation of eligible candidates will be on first come first serve basis up to a maximum of 30 candidates. The completed registration forms along with the Demand Draft should be received by the coordinator on or before 18th February 2019. Send scanned copy of your application form and DD to
Notification of Selection: 18, Feb 2019
The Workshop is Successfully Organized with Certificate Distribution
These are movements Captured During the Workshops
Dr. M. V. Vaidya
Assistant Professor, Department of IT,
SGGSIE&T, Nanded – 431606
Mob: 9011050358
Email :
Mr. G. K. Pakle
Assistant Professor, Department of IT,
SGGSIE&T, Nanded – 431606
Mob: 9028992109
Mr. Navinkumar Dhopre – 9420016523
Mr. Amit Shirbhate – 9766441469
Mr. Nitin Shirale – 9604558266