Research in the Institute
Institute offers Ph. D. program under its affiliating University, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada (SRTM) University, Nanded.
Pragmatic Management of the Institute has taken proactive steps to depute faculty to various IITs and NITs for higher studies. The faculty not only acquired higher qualifications but also brought back along with them the culture of these premier organizations. SGGSIE&T is rich in highly qualified faculty with more than 50% of the regular faculty being doctorates.
The Institute has state of the art equipment and machinery for teaching as well as research / consultancy services. Faculty have contributed in being way for laboratory development through proposals to various funding agencies like AICTE, DST, BARC, NRB, etc other than the funding obtained under two phases of TEQIP and from Government of Maharashtra. Most of the laboratories are kept open for the students 24 × 7. Four of the institute’s departments have FIST sponsored laboratories. Faculty research abilities have led to the establishment of a “Centre of Excellence” in the area of Signal and Image Processing under TEQIP.
Scholarships/ Fellowships are made available to the full time research scholars from
(I) Quality Improvement Program (QIP) of the MHRD Govermenment of India
(II)Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP) of the MHRD, Government of India
(III)Center of Excellence in signal and image processing
Academic Research Programs
These relate to research work undertaken by individual faculty or specific research groups in each department running academic programmes leading to M.Tech or Ph.D degree.Research is carried out by scholars admitted to the programmes of study by research under the guidance of the faculty in each department.
Areas of interest for each department is made known to the academic community through handbooks, brochures and bulletins. Topics of interest include the theoretical studies as well as experimental areas and the resources and facilities available in the different laboratories are used.
Sponsored Research
Organization at the national level sponsor specific programs of research by funding projects undertaken by the faculty .Research of this kind is time bound but provides for those involved in the project to register for a degree. project proposals are usually prepared by SGGS IE& T faculty and forwarded to various organizations based on the nature of research and the interest shown by Government / Research bodies to fund new projects.
Sponsored projects allow for new resources to be created in a department and often permit staff employed for the project to register for academic degrees in the institute.
All Sponsored Research activities in the institute are Coordinated by SGGS IE&T and SRTMU Nanded.
To know the more details about the research at SGGS, [[Click Here]]
For detail research activities refer the departmental information.
Research Symposium
The Research Symposium is a regular feature of our Ph. D program Aims of Symposium. From AY 2019-20, as per the directives of SRT MU Nanded, It will be held twice in a year.
1st to 10th January and 1 to 10th July of every year. The progress reports will be submitted to University on or beofre 15th fof January/July every Year.
Objectives of Research Symposium
1.To provide the platform for dress rehearsal and to present the research work before invited experts
2.Periodical review of the research work of the research scholars- report to be submitted to University
3.Explore, can research work lead to file a patent or convert to product?