QIP STTP on Advances in Signal and Image Processing (ASIP)
The Center of Excellence in Signal and Image Processing (CoESIP) at Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vishnupuri, Nanded is very happy to organize One Week AICTE sponsored QIP Short Term Training Programme on ” Advances in Signal and Image Processing (ASIP)” on 27-31st May 2019. This STTP on Advances in Signal and Image Processing (ASIP), is a unique meeting that brings together with researchers from various colleges, universities, and industries. The STTP will contain a number of special sessions organized by internationally recognized experts. The scope of the STTP includes basic theory and recent advances in Signal and Image Processing, methods and algorithms, applications and practical implementation. The proposed STTP on Advances in Signal and Image Processing (ASIP)will be tutorial flavor, which will provide theoretical and practical hands on experience to participants.
for STTP brochure Click here
- Last date for registration: 26th April 2019.
- Notification of Selected candidates: 30th April 2019.
- Confirmation from the candidates for the course by email: 3rd May 2019.