Hello Developer's!We are super thrilled to announce the event “WEBVERSE” - WEB DEVELOPMENT COMPETITION 2023” which is going to be the biggest web development competition in the history of SGGS.The event is filled with competitions and fun to get an advancement in your knowledge and skills. Along with the competitions, we are also throwing a workshop to provide a experiential learning and to gain knowledge in the domain of coding. We also have exciting prizes and cash prize after the competition. So wewelcome you all to join us on the day of workshop.We will also be going live on the day of workshop so you can join us through the link which is given below: https://www.youtube.com/live/bE9WRhUjwMk?feature=share To get yourself registered, follow the link given below: https://swagdev.vercel.app/Webverse Feel free to contact us for any clarifications regarding the same on our email address orphone number.Workshop
25 March 2023Time
2 pmVenue
Offline: CSE DepartmentContactGajanan Palepwad (7757085531)Sushil Bhoybar (9970308955)Email:- swag@sggs.ac.in